Saturday, February 10, 2007

Top Quick and Easy Tips for Living Longer

By Deborah Carraro

You call yourself a “Life Extension Specialist”, what is that exactly?

A Life Extension Specialist studies all aspects and lifestyle factors relating to a human living to their maximum age potential.

I actually give two people credit for that title. First is Paul Bragg, who was the first author I read on health. He called himself that and since he died at 92 surfing, I feel he is qualified to use that title!

Second is Dr. Roy Walford. He has done the only study confirming that he can extend the lifespan of animals with CR (Calorie Reduced) diet. He has given great credibility to the possibility of humans living beyond 170 years of age!

Tell us one thing you think would surprise people about life extension.

Living long is actually the result of many factors. What is so exciting is that we have in my opinion almost total control how long we can live!

I have heard of people living over 200 years of age. I look at Jack Lalane who is over 90 and likely the strongest person in the world for his age. He was setting records.

What's the best way to have beautiful, healthy looking skin with few or no wrinkles?

Without a doubt, these 5 things are crucial.

1. Eliminate Table SALT! It might be okay to have a little Celtic or Himalayan salt 1-2 times a week, but not more. All salt draws moisture from the body.

Not only does it constipate us, cause irritation because it is so acidic. 1 ounce of sodium chloride, which I refer to as synthetic salt, retains 1 pound of water in the human body!

2. Consume at 80% of fruits and veggies in your diet. Its absolute magic! The natural balance of minerals in fruits and veggies helps to flush old toxic acidic buildup from our tissues and make your skin buttery soft.

3. Eat healthy raw fats and avoid trans and cooked fats. You can tell when someone eats fried or trans fat foods. Those people that have deep pores or crater like pot marks in their facial skin.

4. Eat plenty of beta-carotene in dark leafy greens. My skin feels like when I was 20 years old. Super buttery soft! Even my feet are soft... Eat plenty of mineral rich dark greens!

5. Dry skin brush. Use a vegetable bristle brush. Takes 5 minutes 5-6x a week, first thing in the morning. Hundreds of my women clients say they no longer use moisturizer on their body after skin brushing only 1 week! And never use it again.


Here is a great skin test to see if your skin is still youthful.

- Lay one hand flat on a table. - With the other hand lightly pinch the skin and pull the skin straight up on the back of the hand lying flat. - If your skin is not youthful it will slowly go back and look wrinkled. If your skin is youthful it will go right back like an elastic band.

What's the best way to avoid degenerative diseases?

Keep your body alkaline and acid balanced!

The factors that keep your body alkaline balanced can range from diet to emotions to environmental conditions.

What is one thing that can help people live long, healthy lives?

Number one is a healthy diet. When you eat healthier, your mood, spirituality even your compassion for yourself and others changes. It is magical how fast the human body responds!

The 3 most common health conditions are: 1. Constipation 2. Over acidity and 3. Blood sugar imbalance

I would say this leads to people being irritable, anger and having aches and pains.

Just look at people walking down the street.

How many are smiling? How many looked so stressed and unhappy?

Well after a short period of time on a healthier diet, the blood sugar is more balanced and the bowels move properly. Well hello smiles!

There is more of course that I will share in the upcoming teleconference.

Give us 5 quick tips about life extension

1. Avoid overeating.

2. Eat at least 80% fresh raw ripe plant foods

3. Remain positive about life! Never let people or governments or any challenges in life beat you. There is one word that is a major common factor in the longest-lived healthiest people regarding this important element in living long and healthy. We will share this in the Life Extension teleconference.

“Its not how far you fall, its how high you bounce!”

4. Get plenty of rest. Our bodies can handle stress it just cannot handle infinite amounts of chronic dis-stress!

5. Get 20 minutes minimum daily of fresh air and sunshine

What's another thing we can do right now to look younger?

Besides diet, I also would like to mention one other very important point.

Find your dharma (life purpose) and fast!

When you have purpose in your life to share your gift, then you have a goal of a lifelong purpose.

I think most people are stressed some much living a life they are not truly happy living. Unhappy jobs. Excess stress. Little exercise. Getting caught up in society instead of following their heart.

In certain long-lived cultures the eldest are greatly respected. They are looked upon for guidance and direction. This could be one major reason why they live so much longer. They are felt and truly needed and respected.

One of the Ten Commandments says “Thou shall honor thy father and thy mother.”

My interpretation of life is growth. When we stop growing, we stop living.

Always strive to learn and grow and share/give back.

Deborah Carraro is an avid nutrition, health & fitness enthusiast with a passion for sharing knowledge and experiences. As VP Operations for a successful online Natural Health business she has worked with the best nutritionists, fitness professionals and health experts.

You can find her online at

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