Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Most Powerful Tool for Fat Loss

By Chaney Weiner

We are so conditioned by the TV, media, and the fitness industry to view losing fat as a process that involves eating right and exercising. In addition we are overloaded with information coming from all different directions all promising that a particular person has the “answers” in the form of the “best” exercise program or the “best” diet. What we don’t see too often on TV or in the media or in the fitness industry for that matter is the most important tool for losing fat permanently and for creating the body of your dreams, the role of the mind, and most importantly the sub conscious mind.

Why don’t you see too much written in magazines or in the media on the importance of the subconscious mind in fat loss? I read where some writers were stating that the role of the mind and motivation in fat loss is not “tangible and that the readers won’t get it. How can one expect to lose fat if one neglects the most important part of the fat loss process because one may “not get it”? Training and programming you mind for fat loss is no different than training your body. You have to work your “mental muscles” in the same way that you work your bodies’ muscles.

Additionally and most importantly is having the right information in the right order and applying that information is what yields the right results. If it was all about having the right diet and exercise program then everyone would have the body of their dreams. All the information about how to lose fat and achieve the body of your dreams is out there. What isn’t out there is how to train your mind for fat loss success in addition to your nutrition and your exercise program and the right order in which to go about it.

The first step in training your sub conscious mind for fat loss success is to create a detailed and powerful vision of how you want to look and to hold that image in your mind. Once you have that image then you need to create the feelings and emotions behind how you feel in your “ideal” body. Once you develop this habit of how you want to look on a daily basis and have the “feeling” behind it, it makes the nutrition and exercise process that much easier.

Remember that your sub conscious mind is responsible for approximately 96-98% of your actions and behaviors and is the power center. It is your brain’s software and can be programmed for success. Thus it is the most powerful tool for anything you do in life and fat loss is no exception. No matter what your situation is or was it can be changed and each of us has 100% control over that.

The best exercise programs and nutritional programs in the world are useless if one has not properly conditioned their sub conscious mind for permanent fat loss. We have always been taught to have will power and persistence, which is what most TV ads and the media conditions us to believe and it is the power of the mind that paves the way for permanent fat loss 100% of the time. We need to believe it first before we see it!!!

Chaney Weiner is a performance enhancement specialist and motivational coach. He has created a unique system of training that incorporates fitness training along with reprogramming the mind for success that helps both men and women change their bodies to look, feel, and perform better faster than ever before. Visit to receive your free copy of “The 24 Best Motivational Fat Loss Tips”

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