Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Local bariatric patients share weight-loss stories

It has been called everything from "dangerous" to "the easy way out," but only someone who has gone through bariatric surgery can honestly tell you what it's really all about. Gastric bypass, lap band and other bariatric procedures are a booming business for some hospitals, but before you make that leap, you should talk to people who've been through the process (ABC12.com).

"Pick up 130 pounds and put it on your back and carry it around for a day," said Barb Wilson, who had the surgery.

"That's what we were carrying before. That's what I was carrying before. It's not a choice. Nobody chooses to be fat."

"Food's an addiction, too, just like everything else," said Dennis Eastman, who also had the surgery.

"Just like the cigarettes and everything else, it really is an addiction. You don't like to admit it. You think you can control it, but but obviously you couldn't -- or I couldn't, anyway."

"You don't even realize it's there," said Candis Waltz. "I mean, you get to the point where you are as large as you are and you don't have any idea that you've even gotten there and then it's too late."

Their war stories are different, but they are fighting the same uphill battle against obesity -- a disease that wasn't just taking over their lives; it threatened to take them away.

"I had to have a stress test because I had too many heartbeats," said Marie Trotz. "It was called do or die. What do you want to do? Do you want to live or do you want to end your life now?"

"I had doctors telling me for years I needed to consider this surgery and do something because I was just on a downward spiral," Eastman said. "And you finally have to come to grips that you can't handle it."

And in each moment of truth, these five people made the life-changing decision to have some form of bariatric surgery. Risky, perhaps, but no more so in their eyes than the lives they were living.

"With all the medication everyone was on -- the sleep apneas, the diabetes -- there is only so much time you have living that way," said Jim Lanning. "When you are 375 pounds, it's going to take its toll on you."

Once past risk, each still fights the stigma -- that because bariatric surgery limits the amount of food you can eat and calories absorbed, it is somehow the easy way out.

"It's not, 'Just go in, cut my stomach and make me a beautiful person,"' Waltz said.

"I mean, they are going to go in and cut your stomach and you are going to come out the same fat person you were when you went in and now you are going to have to work at it for however long it takes to get you where you need to be."

Both Waltz and Lanning have run the Crim since their surgeries. Exercise as a lifelong habit is critical to keeping the weight off. And food? Well, that battle hardly ends with surgery.

"When you quit smoking, you never have a cigarette again for the rest of your life," Eastman said. "We still have to eat. If you have a food addiction, you still have to eat every day."

"You have a period of about 18 months from the time you have the surgery," Wilson said.

"For the 18 months, they call it your honeymoon period where you get used to not wanting food. Well, there comes a time when you can eat more, but you have to take the tools that you've learned and put it back in use."

And key to surviving bariatric surgery and all that comes with it, these people have each other and their twice-monthly support group meetings.

"I think it should be mandatory that people have to come to these before they even are even considered for the surgery," Lanning said.

"All it is is a tool," Trotz said. "Unless it's in your mind, unless you are ready to make a change in your life, nothing is going to happen. Nothing."

Most patients have to undergo extensive psychological exams before bariatric surgery. For more information on weight loss, you can click here. To get in touch with the support group, you can send an e-mail to flint bariatricssupport@gmail.com.

Obese boy allowed to remain with his mother

Overweight boy Connor McCreaddie has been allowed by North Tyneside social services to remain with his mother.

Health experts met to decide the future of the eight-year-old, who weighs more than 14 stone (89kg). Connor, from Wallsend, North Tyneside, who lost some weight but still prefers processed food to fruit and vegetables, could have been taken into care. His mother, Nicola McKeown, had been called to a child protection conference with the local authority (BBC NEWS).

'Formal agreement'

A statement issued on behalf of the council's Local Safeguarding Children Board said it had a "useful discussion" with all agencies and the family concerned.

It continued: "The Local Safeguarding Children Board was able to confirm that its hope and ambition is to enable this child to remain with his family.

"In order to move this matter forward we have made a formal agreement with the family to safeguard and promote the child's welfare."

The hearing was held under Section 47 of the Children Act.

Minister concerned

Connor has slimmed down from 15st 8lbs since Christmas thanks to an exercise programme and eating healthier foods.

Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt has expressed concern about the case, and backed the involvement of local services.

Ms McKeown, 35, earlier told the BBC: "He refuses to eat fruit, vegetables and salads - he has processed foods. When Connor won't eat anything else, I've got to give him the foods he likes.

"I can't starve him. But I'm confident I can get his weight down with a bit of help."

Peer pressure

Brian Dow from the School Food Trust said: "Of course there's an element of parental responsibility here, but it's hard for a child to go out of the school gates now without being bombarded by messages about the wrong kinds of food.

"We also have an awful lot of peer pressure as well. I think what you see there is a child who's probably addicted to the kinds of food that are making him obese."

The boy's story was featured on ITV's Tonight With Trevor McDonald, which followed Connor and his mother for a month.

Upper Back/Shoulder Stretch exericse

This short simple routine takes you through some basic exercises you can do right at your desk to stretch the muscles of the shoulders, neck, lower back and arms. Modify the exercises as needed if you have any specific neck, back or shoulder problems. Do these stretches several times throughout the day to relax and stretch the upper body.

Click on pictures for closer view

Shoulder Rolls
Roll the shoulders down and back, starting with small circles and working up to larger circles. Do 10 circles backwards and then repeat forward circles.

shoulderrolls1.jpg (94328 bytes) shoulderroll2.jpg (80725 bytes)

Back Stretch
Contract the abs as you tip forward from the hips, bringing the hands down to the floor. Relax the head down and reach with your fingertips to stretch the back. Hold for 30 seconds.
seatedbackandshoulderstretch.jpg (97802 bytes)

Wide Back and Shoulder Stretch
From the previous exercise, take the feet wide and bring the arms inside the legs, then wrap the arms around the back of the calves, grabbing onto the ankles. Gently pull with the hands to open the shoulders and stretch the upper back. Hold for 30 seconds.

seatedbackstretch.jpg (112587 bytes)
Forearm and Bicep Stretch
Take the right arm straight out in front of you and flex the palm up. Grab onto your fingers with the left hand and gently pull the fingers back. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat on the other hand.
seatedbicepstretch.jpg (83326 bytes)
Forearm Stretch
From the previous exercise, turn the hand down so that the fingers reach towards the floor. Use the left hand to pull the fingers towards you, stretching the forearm. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat on the other hand.

seatedforearmstretch.jpg (73562 bytes)

Dynamic Neck Stretch
Reach the left arm down and away from the body as you drop the head to the right, stretching the neck. Place the right hand on the head and gently press your head into the hand, then release and stretch. Continue to contract the neck and press the head into the head, then stretch for 10 reps then switch sides.
seatedneckstretch.jpg (83445 bytes)
Twisted Shoulder Stretch
Take the hands straight out in front of you and rotate the arms so that the palms face away from each other. Cross the arms so that the palms are pressed together and round the back, reaching the arms away from you as you relax the head. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.
seatedshoulderstretch.jpg (97836 bytes)

Source exercise.about.com

Watchdog blasts 'X-treme Eating'

Chain restaurants in the United States are promoting dangerous "X-treme Eating", a US watchdog has said.

They are serving up "ever-more harmful new creations," the Center for Science in the Public Interest says.

It says that some individual dishes can exceed 2,000 calories, more than the recommended daily intake for women.

As more than one in five US adults are obese, it says restaurants should list nutritional information on their menus to make consumers more aware.

'Hybrid horribles'

Some 60 million adults in the US are obese, according to the American Obesity Association, which says that obesity is not a simple matter of overeating.

But the CPSI said many restaurants are doing little to alleviate the problem.

"Rather than compete to make their products healthier, restaurant chains are competing with each other to make their appetizers, main courses, and desserts bigger, badder, and cheesier than ever before," a CPSI statement said.

With dishes like these, it's easy blow your diet not just for the day but for the whole week
Margo Wootan, Center for Science in the Public Interest

"Burgers, pizzas, and quesadillas were never health foods to begin with," CPSI executive director Michael Jacobson said.

"Now we see lasagne with meatballs on top; ice cream with cookies, brownies, and candy mixed in; bacon cheeseburger pizzas, buffalo-chicken-stuffed quesadillas, and other hybrid horribles that are seemingly designed to promote obesity, heart disease, and stroke."

Huge calorie counts

Some American restaurant chains have menus that contain 2,000-calorie appetizers, 2,000-calorie main courses and 1,700 calorie desserts.

The health watchdog points its finger at chains such as Ruby Tuesday, Uno Chicago Grill and the Cheesecake Factory.

Overweight person (generic)
More than one in five US adults is obese, experts say

The latter's Chris' Outrageous Chocolate Cake combines brownie, pie, and cheesecake into 1,380-calorie pudding.

The CPSI says this is "the equivalent of eating two [McDonald's] Quarter Pounders plus a large fries - for dessert".

"Since those chains make almost zero nutrition information available on menus, their customers don't have a clue that they might be getting a whole day's worth of calories in a single dish, or several days' worth in the whole meal," the centre says.

CSPI nutrition policy director Margo Wootan said that Americans eat out for an average of four meals a week.

She said studies show that women who eat out more than five times a week eat an average of 300 more calories per day than women who eat out less often.

"With dishes like these, it's easy blow your diet not just for the day but for the whole week," Mrs Wootan said.

But Frank Guidara, the president and CEO of Uno's, said the CPSI study was flawed.

One Uno's item the group criticised was meant to be shared by five people, he said.

"Our menu is as healthy as any menu out there. We have some indulgent items but so what?," he asked.

And he said the company made nutrition information available at computer kiosks in every restaurant lobby.

Ruby Tuesday spokesman Rick Johnson argued that there was not necessarily a connection between food labelling and health.

"The rate of obesity has not gone down - but has gone up since food labelling was introduced many years ago," he said.

"So you have to be careful of the conclusion that food labelling means people will eat more healthy foods."

Source : BBC NEWS

When one plate having more calories than you consume in the whole day

Everyone likes to splurge a little when they go to a restaurant, but new research suggests some of those indulgences may be packing way more calories — and, if you aren’t careful, pounds — than you think (MSNBC).

The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a research group that advocates good nutrition, highlighted menu items from popular chain restaurants that in some cases have as many calories in just one plateful as some people should eat in an entire day.

The research comes as Americans are eating out more and more, and experts are growing increasingly concerned about obesity-related health concerns. The Center for Science in the Public Interest is hoping that publicizing such nutritional information will prompt more companies to offer calorie counts and other nutrition data, so customers can better evaluate what they plan to eat.

"I would never dream of telling someone what to order in a restaurant, but people can't make informed choices without basic nutrition information," said Margo Wootan, director of nutrition policy for the group.

The examples included Ruby Tuesday’s Colossal Burger, which weighs in at around 1,940 calories and includes 141 grams of fat. That doesn't even include the fries on the side. Another entree from Ruby Tuesday, the Fresh Chicken and Broccoli Pasta, has 2,060 calories and 128 grams of fat, thanks in part to a parmesan cream sauce and layer of melted cheese.

Other chains are serving up serious splurges as well. On The Border’s Double-Stacked Club Quesadilla has 1,860 calories and 52 grams of saturated fat, the study said.

Entrees aren't the only menu items that pose a serious hazard to your waistline. An order of Uno Chicago Grill’s Pizza Skins — a so-called appetizer — has about 2,050 calories and 48 grams of saturated fat, the study said. And for dessert, a slice of Chris’ Outrageous Chocolate Cake at The Cheesecake Factory has 1,380 calories and 33 grams of saturated fat.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that people eat between 1,600 and 2,800 calories per day, depending on age, gender and other factors. The USDA also recommends that people get between 53 and 93 grams of fat.

Of course, most restaurants also offer less bulge-inducing options. Richard Johnson, senior vice president for Ruby Tuesday, noted that his chain also features lower-calorie menu items, including grilled chicken, steamed vegetables, a salad bar and other healthier fare.

“We think it’s interesting that they chose two of the items on the menu that are probably the highest-calorie items,” he said of the Center for Science in the Public Interest report.

While massive calorie counts such as these can be shocking, there are some positive signs for people who are trying to watch their weight while eating out. Sue Moores, a registered dietitian and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, said she is seeing more healthy choices on menus. She also has noticed that some higher-end restaurants are scaling back portion sizes.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Mother may lose custody of obese boy

Authorities are considering taking an 8-year-old boy who weighs 218 pounds into protective custody unless his mother improves his diet, officials said Monday (Yahoo News).

Social service officials will meet with family members Tuesday to discuss the health of Connor McCreaddie, obese boywho weighs more than three times the average for his age.

"The worst case would be Connor getting taken into care. He is well cared for," the boy's mother, Nicola McKeown, told ITV television.

A spokeswoman for health officials in Wallsend, North Tyneside, 300 miles north of London, said the hearing was part of a process that could eventually lead to Connor being taken into protective care. She declined to comment further.

The health agencies organizing the meeting said they "have been working with the family over a prolonged period of time and will continue to do so."

Officials would not say whether Connor suffered from a medical condition that led to his obesity, citing privacy issues.

An unidentified health official was quoted as telling The Sunday Times that taking custody of Connor would be a last resort, but said the family had repeatedly failed to attend appointments with nurses, nutritionists and social workers.

"Child abuse is not just about hitting your children or sexually abusing them, it is also about neglect," the official was quoted as saying.

Dr. Colin Waine, the director of the National Obesity Forum in Nottingham, England, called Connor's lifestyle "extremely dangerous," adding he is at risk of developing diabetes in his early teens, and cardiovascular and nervous system problems in his 20s.

"He's really at risk of dying by the time he's 30," Waine said.

Dr. Michael Markiewicz, a pediatrician, agreed.

"I'm not saying they can't care for him, but what they are doing is through the way they are treating him and feeding him, they are slowly killing him," he said.

Connor's case attracted national attention after his mother allowed an ITV News crew to film his day-to-day life over the course of a month.

Connor's mother said he steals and hides food, frustrating her efforts to help him. He eats double or triple what a normal seven-year-old would have, she said.

"If I didn't give him enough at teatime then he would just go on at us all night for snacks and stuff," she told ITV.

Connor, who lives with his mother and sister, has difficulty dressing and washing himself, misses school regularly because of poor health, and is targeted by bullies.

"People pick on us because of my weight. They call us fat. It makes us feel sick of the nutters always shouting at us," Connor told ITV.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Video gaming with Wii burns significant number of calories, supports weight loss

A recent study has found that new gaming technology that requires user movement burns a significant number of calories in gaming enthusiasts. The study, conducted by researchers at the Liverpool John Moores University, concluded that regular users of the Nintendo Wii gaming system have a higher heart rate during interaction, increased physical activity and burn 40 percent more calories per week than do gamers using conventional pad-controlled systems.

The study, which found that the average UK gamer spends 12.2 hours per week playing video games, compared the energy expenditure in seven boys and five girls between the ages of 13 and 15 while playing on both traditional game-pad interfaced gaming consoles and the Nintendo Wii, a gaming system in which the user directs the game by moving a “remote” around in the air.

Although researchers found that the male group had, on average, higher rates of energy expenditure, they noted that both males and females had a 156 percent increase in energy expenditure over resting values during a fifteen minute Wii session. Over the same time period, users interacting with the traditional pad-controlled system only experienced a 60 percent increase in energy expenditure.

“Through our testing it is clear that the motion sensor controlled console can make an impact on a child’s heart rate, energy expenditure and the amount of calories burned,” said lead researcher, Professor Tim Cable. “Parents should encourage other physical activities and outdoor pursuits in order for their children to lead well-balanced lives,” added Cable.

Chamber's weight-loss contest starts Saturday

You can revive your resolutions to shed those extra pounds by joining in the "SAAC the Weight Challenge" sponsored by the Southern Anne Arundel Chamber of Commerce (HometownAnnapolis.com).

Board member Jacque Mullin suggested the idea for a communitywide weight-loss challenge roughly modeled after television's "Biggest Loser." She and her husband Dave own a tub and surface refinishing company in Churchton - Finishing Touch - and she plans to lead by example by also competing in the four-month competition, which runs through June 16.

Contestants will pay a $20 individual or $30-per-twosome entry fee, attend Saturday's weigh-in and registration ceremony and monthly weigh-in meetings until the June 16 finale at the South County Festival, where four winners will be announced, male and female first-place finishers and runners-up. Prize packages are still being assembled, including a personal trainer session and other healthy offerings.

"We think all the participants will really be winners, in their own way," said Shelita Fanciulli, the chamber's executive director. "The hope is that they will bond and be a support to each other, as they see each other at the monthly weigh-in meetings, and since they live in the same communities. The goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle, and to tackle weight loss in a fun way with a support team."

That community support will extend to restaurants, since 10 to 12 are considering menu alterations to accent healthy meal choices, and Ms. Fanciulli said Whitman's Catering and Thursdays in Galesville are already on board.

Health-oriented businesses are invited to sponsor the event - like the South Anne Arundel County Dance Conservatory, whose director, Ken Armstrong, has volunteered to maintain the confidential weight lists of all participants. A privacy screen will shield the scale at weigh-ins, and organizers promise that only the winners' weights will be revealed when their before-and-after results are announced at award time.

"We have an oral commitment from Del. Bob Costa, that he plans to join the challenge," said Ms. Fanciulli, "and Councilman Ed Reilly said he plans to be there too."

The winner will be selected based on a percentage of body fat ratio rather than a pound-vs.-pound race.

The weigh-in will take place from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday at the Deale Elks Lodge on Drum Point Road. Call the chamber for more information at 410-867-3129.

Keep me informed so I can pass the buzz along. Contact me at buzzychat@yahoo.com.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Coffee May Pack Dietary Fiber

Your coffee may come with a little something extra -- and not just cream and sugar. Some of the dietary fiber in coffee beans may make it into your mug, Spanish researchers report (Web MD).

They say coffee has more soluble dietary fiber (the type of fiber that dissolves in water and helps prevent cholesterol from being absorbed by the intestines) than wine or orange juice.

Fulgencio Saura-Calixto, PhD, and colleagues at the Spanish National Research Council in Madrid brewed instant coffee, espresso, and filtered coffee.

They measured how much soluble dietary fiber was in each drink.

Instant coffee contained the most -- about 1.8 grams of soluble dietary fiber per cup. Espresso had 1.5 grams of soluble dietary fiber per cup, and filtered coffee contained 1.1 grams, the study shows.

The report is scheduled for publication in the March 21 edition of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Fiber Recommendations

You would have to drink a lot of coffee -- about 17 cups of instant -- to reach the recommended daily intake of 31 grams of dietary fiber per day, based on a 2,000-calorie daily diet.

That fiber recommendation comes from dietary guidelines published in 2005 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

In their study, the Spanish scientists simply measured dietary fiber in coffee. They didn't study coffee's health effects; and they don't make any recommendations about drinking coffee.

Past studies on coffee and health have had mixed results, note Saura-Calixto and colleagues.

Fiber Sources

Looking for other sources of dietary fiber? Beans, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are leading sources.

Those foods also contain insoluble fiber, which doesn't dissolve in water, rather than the soluble dietary fiber found in coffee.

Insoluble fiber (roughage) may help keep bowel movements regular and reduce the risk of colon problems. It also makes you feel full.

Let's say you start your day with half a cup of 100% bran cereal (8.8 grams of dietary fiber) and a cup of instant coffee (1.8 grams of dietary fiber).

Then you lunch on chili containing half a cup of cooked Navy beans (9.5 grams of dietary fiber). In the afternoon, you snack on an ounce of almonds (3.3 grams of dietary fiber) and a small, raw pear (4.3 grams of dietary fiber).

For dinner, you have chicken (sorry, no fiber there) and half a medium-sized baked sweet potato (4.8 grams of dietary fiber).

Add it all up, and you've reached 32 grams of dietary fiber. That's a smidgen more than the recommended amount.

That menu is just an example to give you an idea of foods' fiber content. Your doctor or a nutritionist have more pointers for creating a healthy diet with plenty of fiber.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Sex May Prolong Life

By Rai Kong

When it comes to medical research on sex, most of the attention is on sexually transmitted disease and sexual dysfunction - Syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV/AIDS, impotence and frigidity. From this point of view, having sex is a grim and risky business.

Yet sex is probably one of the most common, and certainly most pleasurable activities we humans experience - indeed essential for the survival of the species. Yet only a handful of studies exist to help us understand and enhance the health benefits:

A study on aging from Duke in the 1970s found that for men the frequency of sexual intercourse was associated with lower death rates. For women the enjoyment of intercourse was associated with longer life.

A Swedish study found increased risk of death in men who gave up sexual intercourse.

A study published in 1976 found that sexual dissatisfaction was a risk factor for heart attacks in women. Now a new study published in the esteemed British Medical Journal offers more good news. The findings suggest that men who have frequent sex are less likely to die at an early age.

An intrepid group of researchers from Great Britain included a question about sexual activity in a long-term study of health. The authors studied nearly 1000 men aged 45 to 59 and living in or near Caerphilly, Wales. The men were asked about the frequency of sexual intercourse. They were divided into three groups: those who had sex twice or more a week, an intermediate group, and those who reported having sex less than monthly.

A decade later, researchers found that the death rate from all causes for the least sexually active men was twice as high as that of the most active. The death rate in the intermediate group was 1.6 times greater than for the active group. A similar pattern of longevity and frequency of orgasm was found for all causes of death, coronary heart disease, and other causes.

Of course many questions arise with this type of study. Does the frequency of orgasm cause the improved health? Does poor health cause lower sexual activity? Or does some other factor such as physical activity, alcohol, depressed mood, or "vital exhaustion" cause both poor health and less sexual activity? The researchers did find that strength of the results persisted even after adjusting for differences in age, social class, smoking, blood pressure, and evidence of existing coronary heart disease at the initial interview. This suggests a more likely protective role of sexual activity.

To quote the researchers:

"The association between frequency of orgasm and mortality in the present study is at least-if not more-convincing on epidemiological and biological grounds than many of the associations reported in other studies and deserves further investigation to the same extent. Interventions programs could also be considered, perhaps based on the exciting, 'At least five a day' campaign aimed at increasing fruit and vegetable consumption - although the numerical imperative may have to be adjusted."

More research is needed. Any volunteers?

Since the overall death rate was reduced 36% for an increase of 100 orgasm per year, one could easily imagine a new prescription for health:

Rx: Sexual Intercourse At least 2 x per week

Such a prescription might have few side effects and would be far more pleasurable than many other regimens often prescribed. And even if sex doesn't prove to add years to life, it may add life to years.


Use Physical Activity to Fight Depression

By Alan Rosca

Physical activity can increase your energy, make you sleep better, and bring a brighten mood. Physical activity cannot replace therapy or medical care for depression but it can make you feel better and self-confident.

People who have depression are dealing with fatigue, motivation problems, or lack of energy. The key is to get started. Be patient with yourself, and try not to see the exercise program as a burden. You can get the same fitness benefit if you break your exercise program into smaller pieces throughout the day.

Practice regularly and choose only physical activities that you enjoy, so you can stick to your plan. There`s no need to push yourself too much. Studies showed that it`s more likely for your mood to be improved by moderate exercise than excessively workouts.

Choose aerobic activities like biking, brisk walking, swimming, or jogging. Stretching or lifting weights are also benefic. If you are a sedentary person, take it step by step. A good place for you to start may be from a few minutes of walking (or other activity) at any pace, and perhaps in a few weeks you`ll want to do it more often.

Join an aerobics class and spend time with other people. You should be surrounded by positive people, family, or friends that can support you.

It`s good to do workout outdoors. Perhaps the trees or the grass can help you see things different, in a new perspective. Outdoor light may improve your mood, especially in the winter.

To read the rest of this article, go to http://www.projectweightloss.com an online weight loss community featuring calorie counter, BMI calculator, diet planner, workout planner and nutritional information.

Tips for an Active Life

By Alan Rosca

If you don`t have enough time to follow a proper fitness program at home, try some of the following ideas that may help you combine daily activities with workout:
- Don`t hire someone to do the housework, do it yourself.
- Work in the garden: rake leaves, mow the lawn, or pick up trash.
- Take a walk before breakfast or after dinner. It may last up to thirty minutes.
- Forget about the car when you go to the corner shop. Choose the bike or walk instead.
- Don`t lye on the sofa when you`re watching TV, it`s better to sit up.
- When you go for a walk, choose a hilly route and increase the pace after a while.
- Walk the dog.
- While you`re on the phone, stand up.
- Leave the car further away from the place where you`re going.

In case your job takes most of your time but you still feel the need to increase your physical activity try some of the following tips:
- Stand while you`re on the phone.
- Take the stairs as often as possible during the day.
- Instead of using the phone to speak to a co-worker walk to him/her.
- If your job requires travelling, you may walk while you`re waiting for the plane and choose hotels with a gym or swimming pool.
- You may take a jumping rope with you.

Recreation time should allow you to be active and have fun at the same time. For example, you may plan outings with your friends or family that involves physical activities like swimming, backpacking, or hiking.

You may discover that dancing is a good way to burn calories. Join a dance club, dance alone, or with someone on your favorite music. When you feel the need for sightseeing, do it by foot, ride a bike, or run.

To read the rest of this article, go to http://www.projectweightloss.com an online weight loss community featuring calorie counter, BMI calculator, diet planner, workout planner and nutritional information.

Exercising Prevents Heart Problems

By Alan Rosca

Activities such as jogging, walking, aerobic dancing, cycling, swimming, or skiing are benefic for your health. Choose activities that make you feel good, so you can have fun and relax while practicing. Listening to your favorite music should keep you entertained.

Does regular physical activity bring any benefits for your health? Sure. It gives you more energy, makes you more resistant to stress and better looking, it tones your muscles and controls your appetite. It helps you lose weight or at least keep it under control. Not to mention that it gives you confidence in yourself, helps you fall asleep quickly, and may help against anxiety or depression.

If you want to lose weight, you can be more active and eat the same amount of calories or be more active and eat fewer calories. Almost three-fourths of the energy burned daily comes from basic activities such as breathing, sleeping, or digesting. If you have more activities, you burn extra calories.

The list presented below shows how many calories are burned per hour by a person of about one hundred-fifty pounds. If a person weights less, it burns fewer calories but if it weights more, it burns more calories:
- Bicycling six mph – 240 cals/hr
- Jogging 5 mph – 740 cals/hr
- Jumping rope – 750 cals/hr
- Running – 650 cals/hr
- Swimming twenty-five yds/min – 275 cals/hr
- Tennis – 400 cals/hr
- Walking three mph – 320 cals/hr

Physical inactivity is a risk factor for coronary heart disease along with high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes, smoking, or high blood cholesterol. A physical activity with the right frequency and intensity help you control your blood pressure, blood lipids, protect you against heart disease, and maintains the health of your lungs. The best exercises for heart and lungs are the aerobic ones.

To read the rest of this article, go to http://www.projectweightloss.com an online weight loss community featuring calorie counter, BMI calculator, diet planner, workout planner and nutritional information.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

5 Simple Eating Habits for Anyone to Lose Weight

By Noah Michael

Weight loss and weight gain are all about the little things we do, or don't do, every day. It is very hard not to gain weight if you work a desk job or lead a sedentary lifestyle. When you combine this daily inactivity with unhealthy eating habits it is virtually impossible not to go up in size. However, if you can learn some simple, daily good habits, you can improve your health dramatically.

1. Drink water instead of soda. Soft drinks are dead calories, they have no nutritional content and if you are in the habit of drinking sodas, they really add up fast. If you have a bottle of water instead of a soda just once a day you cut out enough calories to lose a pound every three weeks.

2. Eat often. One of the disorienting thing about starting up a healthy lifestyle is that you may actually be eating a lot more, or at least a lot more often. You should eat a small portion of food every 3 hours. This is a challenge for those who've become accustomed to working through lunch then coming home famished and wolfing down a big meal. The human body was built for survival and at any sign of lack of food or starvation means the body will hold onto its fat stores as if life itself hung in the balance, because, well, it did. Because of this, skipping meals will make it harder to lose weight. You need to fool your body into thinking starvation is the furthest

3. Never leave home without your veggies. There aren't always a lot of healthy eating options when you're out and about and since you should never go more than a few hours without eating, you should always bring a bag or container of vegetables. There is no reason anyone can't bring along a bag or carrot sticks. If you can substitute a serving of vegetables for a bag of chips or a candy bar just once a day then you will eliminate enough calories to lose another pound every three weeks.

4. Eat lots of chicken and fish. Learn to love it. Chicken and fish are both very low calorie and very high protein. If you can make chicken and fish the staples of your dinnertime fare you will lose an astonishing amount of calories over time. These lean meats are so low in calorie to begin with that most preparation methods and side-dishes still result in a fairly low calorie meal. Contrastingly if you prepare a meal with beef as the main course, every dash of olive oil and extra dinner roll is that much more likely to send your daily calories over the limit.

5. If you eat out, you can still make some healthy choices. Anyone who has been on a diet knows the dread of needing to eat at a fast-food or sit-down restaraunt due to a social event or even just because of a lack of other options. The dieter may end up feeling obligated to order something calorically ruinous. The slope is very slippery considering the mind-game most dieters are engaged in, trying to deny themselves their favorite foods. A birthday dinner with friends has surely been the end of many a promising diet. However, these days you really have a lot of options. We live in an age where Carls Jr. will wrap your burger or chicken sandwich in lettuce instead of bread and cheese. If you choose to eat at an establishment where the menu is not printed on the wall, you should absolutely not hesitate to ask how your meal is prepared. Even some minor adjustments to your meal (hold the cheese, please) can make a big difference in the long run.

Many More Great Weight Loss and Diet Tips at 101 Weight Loss Tips

The Most Powerful Tool for Fat Loss

By Chaney Weiner

We are so conditioned by the TV, media, and the fitness industry to view losing fat as a process that involves eating right and exercising. In addition we are overloaded with information coming from all different directions all promising that a particular person has the “answers” in the form of the “best” exercise program or the “best” diet. What we don’t see too often on TV or in the media or in the fitness industry for that matter is the most important tool for losing fat permanently and for creating the body of your dreams, the role of the mind, and most importantly the sub conscious mind.

Why don’t you see too much written in magazines or in the media on the importance of the subconscious mind in fat loss? I read where some writers were stating that the role of the mind and motivation in fat loss is not “tangible and that the readers won’t get it. How can one expect to lose fat if one neglects the most important part of the fat loss process because one may “not get it”? Training and programming you mind for fat loss is no different than training your body. You have to work your “mental muscles” in the same way that you work your bodies’ muscles.

Additionally and most importantly is having the right information in the right order and applying that information is what yields the right results. If it was all about having the right diet and exercise program then everyone would have the body of their dreams. All the information about how to lose fat and achieve the body of your dreams is out there. What isn’t out there is how to train your mind for fat loss success in addition to your nutrition and your exercise program and the right order in which to go about it.

The first step in training your sub conscious mind for fat loss success is to create a detailed and powerful vision of how you want to look and to hold that image in your mind. Once you have that image then you need to create the feelings and emotions behind how you feel in your “ideal” body. Once you develop this habit of how you want to look on a daily basis and have the “feeling” behind it, it makes the nutrition and exercise process that much easier.

Remember that your sub conscious mind is responsible for approximately 96-98% of your actions and behaviors and is the power center. It is your brain’s software and can be programmed for success. Thus it is the most powerful tool for anything you do in life and fat loss is no exception. No matter what your situation is or was it can be changed and each of us has 100% control over that.

The best exercise programs and nutritional programs in the world are useless if one has not properly conditioned their sub conscious mind for permanent fat loss. We have always been taught to have will power and persistence, which is what most TV ads and the media conditions us to believe and it is the power of the mind that paves the way for permanent fat loss 100% of the time. We need to believe it first before we see it!!!

Chaney Weiner is a performance enhancement specialist and motivational coach. He has created a unique system of training that incorporates fitness training along with reprogramming the mind for success that helps both men and women change their bodies to look, feel, and perform better faster than ever before. Visit http://www.achievingbodiesfitness.com to receive your free copy of “The 24 Best Motivational Fat Loss Tips”

Fat Loss 4 Idiots – An Honest Review

By Jean Daniels

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a new diet program that claims you can lose 9lbs in 11 days, although if you ask any nutritionist they will say that any more than 3 or 4lbs in this time is dangerous.

So does the Fat Loss 4 Idiots work? Well this is my independent review of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program.

As mentioned above 9lbs of weight loss in just 11 days is quite fast weight loss, so first like me explain the system that the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet uses:

The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet is like any other diet except it is based around metabolism. The way it claims to work is that the human body is quite clever and will memorizes the calories and foods of the past days and speed up or slow down accordingly.

Also the body builds up a tolerance to some foods and puts them in a scale of what to burn first and what to burn slower. The way the body normally works is by burning the calories first and then the fat.

The points above is suppose to be why most traditional diet programs sometimes do not work that well. If you limit your calorie for months with a normal diet your body will adjust accordingly and the metabolism will not burn as much fat as you think therefore you will not loser much weight.

The way the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet works is not by watching the calories you are taking in but is based around a calorie eating pattern.

Obviously the next question is how does it work? Well, that is the million dollar question and the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet secret so I can't tell you in this review.

The idea is that you will teach your body to remember your calorie intake, then you suddenly change your calorie intake. This leads the body to make changes in your favor with the calorie burning. For instance if you were taking in 2,000 calories a day and suddenly change to 1,000 calories the body says “I thought we were on 2,000 calories a day?” and thinks it must start burning more fat!

That is the general gist of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet but you will need to know more like “How long does the body need to memorize the calorie intake?” And “What different types of calories are there and which ones do I use?”

In conclusion I would say the Fat Loss 4 Idiots is worth a look if you have found that conventional diets are not working for you!

Jean Daniels used to suffer with her weight but after finally getting her weight under control she enjoys helping other people and teaching about weight loss.

For more info on how you can drop 9lbs of weight every 11 days without fail! Click The Link Below:

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

The Good The Bad And The Fat

By Eugene Benade

Being overweight can have many consequences. Most of us know about all the health risks like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease etc. But there can be many sociological and psychological complications as well. Some overweight people are less affected than others but the bottom line here is, being slim and healthy or being overweight is your choice. If you are happy with the way you look good for you.

If you want to drastically better the quality of your life there are simple easy to follow methods that can help you do so.

Losing weight these days has become a lot easier. Pills, starving yourself and miracle cures are not the answer. Well-monitored exercise is always a good idea, but to find the time in our busy life styles is not always possible. If you do have the means and time to break up a good sweat keep going it can only be beneficial to your health. To lose weight effectively comes down to a couple of simple rules, what you eat, when you eat it, what you drink and when you drink it.

Yes it is that simple, well not really, the combination of different foods, the time of the day you eat them, and the quantity taken is very important factors. But the good news is you really don’t need to starve yourself at all. Eating the food types that will help you to lose weight will be hard at first, just keep going at it and it will soon become part of your life just like brushing your teeth. Stop the delay.

Overweight has been.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Look Like Heaven In 2007

By Kathi Dameron

Life is full of challenges. The journey towards becoming the best possible version of oneself is a quintessential challenge we all face.

We all want to look and feel our best, but often we have such old ingrained patterns that we find it difficult and near impossible to turn the corner, shift our paradigm and adopt a new lifestyle that will facilitate a life of vitality.

Through the ever-changing circumstances of life, it is easy to get stuck, lose hope and lose sight of the dreams that we once held so dear.

Sometimes we need help getting unstuck.

I certainly did. It seemed that no matter how hard I tried on my own; I found it literally impossible to lose weight.

My weight was stuck in a terribly unhealthy place. Even though I knew what I should and should not eat, I could not get the bathroom scale to reverse directions. For a big do-it-yourselfer in so many things, not being able to lose weight on my own was a huge frustration.

I needed something more. I needed the support of a proven system for losing weight in a healthy, monitored way.

Since I accepted that help from Winner’s Weight loss, I have turned the corner in my life and lost 44 pounds. I am a quarter of the way to my goal. By this time next year I expect to have achieved my weight loss goal of losing over 100 pounds.

My sweet beginning at Winner’s Weight loss officially began on October 27, 2006. The medically approved program guaranteed a weight loss plan of losing 25 pounds in 8 weeks, 50 pounds in 17 weeks and 100 pounds in 36 weeks.

On my first visit at the center I weighed in at a whopping 291 pounds and I’m not a linebacker! I don’t even play football!

As I reflect back, it is hard to believe that for the last fifteen years I have allowed obesity to keep me from being the very best possible version of myself. But that is exactly what I allowed to happen. I let weight become a disability that put me on the sidelines of life.

Now as the weight drops off, I almost feel like someone who is emerging from a long dream and awakening to the extraordinary fullness of life.

There is a new wind blowing! I am grateful to the Winner’s Weight loss team for their partnership on this amazing journey of weight loss.

But this wind has been blowing in Tallahassee, Florida for quite awhile. Winner’s Weight Loss has been Tallahassee’s #1 weight loss center for the last fourteen years and is Tallahassee’s only professional weight loss center.

Manager, Ruth Bowen attributes this accomplishment to the outstanding professional nutritionists, dietitians and nutrition management counselors on the staff.

“We are not only experts in our fields, but we have lost weight ourselves which helps us understand and have compassion for the constant struggle individuals have with their weight.”

Winner’s Weight Loss is a proven system that has stood the test of time in Tallahassee for helping men and women achieve a healthy lifestyle and look fantastic by losing the weight that their bodies were never intended to carry.

I love so many things about Winner’s Weight Loss. But perhaps one of the most important things is that I love the food I get to eat. Unlike other diets I had embarked on in the past, on the Winner’s Program, I get to eat real food and I get to experiment in the kitchen.

As a food writer and former caterer, food has played a big role in my life for several years. For me to be able to stick to a diet regime, I need to eat food that tastes great.

The Winner’s Diet makes it easy for me to do that.

I even share some of my new recipe ideas on my blog that is chronicling this fabulous weight loss adventure. Come on by and check out some of the recipes and say, “Hi!” In future days, I hope to add some of my cooking class videos with readers to share how I create some of the tasty food that is keeping my taste buds dancing while I trim down.

If you are looking to lose a little or a lot, Winner’s Weight Loss in Tallahasee or an equally great facility in your community can help you too, to reclaim vitality and become a healthier and thinner version of yourself.

(c) Kathi Dameron February 12, 2007 Kathi Dameron and Associates

For recipes and ideas on how to turn heart-healthy diet cuisine into a celebration of fabulous taste, visit http://www.dietwithkathi.blogspot.com

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Top Quick and Easy Tips for Living Longer

By Deborah Carraro

You call yourself a “Life Extension Specialist”, what is that exactly?

A Life Extension Specialist studies all aspects and lifestyle factors relating to a human living to their maximum age potential.

I actually give two people credit for that title. First is Paul Bragg, who was the first author I read on health. He called himself that and since he died at 92 surfing, I feel he is qualified to use that title!

Second is Dr. Roy Walford. He has done the only study confirming that he can extend the lifespan of animals with CR (Calorie Reduced) diet. He has given great credibility to the possibility of humans living beyond 170 years of age!

Tell us one thing you think would surprise people about life extension.

Living long is actually the result of many factors. What is so exciting is that we have in my opinion almost total control how long we can live!

I have heard of people living over 200 years of age. I look at Jack Lalane who is over 90 and likely the strongest person in the world for his age. He was setting records.

What's the best way to have beautiful, healthy looking skin with few or no wrinkles?

Without a doubt, these 5 things are crucial.

1. Eliminate Table SALT! It might be okay to have a little Celtic or Himalayan salt 1-2 times a week, but not more. All salt draws moisture from the body.

Not only does it constipate us, cause irritation because it is so acidic. 1 ounce of sodium chloride, which I refer to as synthetic salt, retains 1 pound of water in the human body!

2. Consume at 80% of fruits and veggies in your diet. Its absolute magic! The natural balance of minerals in fruits and veggies helps to flush old toxic acidic buildup from our tissues and make your skin buttery soft.

3. Eat healthy raw fats and avoid trans and cooked fats. You can tell when someone eats fried or trans fat foods. Those people that have deep pores or crater like pot marks in their facial skin.

4. Eat plenty of beta-carotene in dark leafy greens. My skin feels like when I was 20 years old. Super buttery soft! Even my feet are soft... Eat plenty of mineral rich dark greens!

5. Dry skin brush. Use a vegetable bristle brush. Takes 5 minutes 5-6x a week, first thing in the morning. Hundreds of my women clients say they no longer use moisturizer on their body after skin brushing only 1 week! And never use it again.


Here is a great skin test to see if your skin is still youthful.

- Lay one hand flat on a table. - With the other hand lightly pinch the skin and pull the skin straight up on the back of the hand lying flat. - If your skin is not youthful it will slowly go back and look wrinkled. If your skin is youthful it will go right back like an elastic band.

What's the best way to avoid degenerative diseases?

Keep your body alkaline and acid balanced!

The factors that keep your body alkaline balanced can range from diet to emotions to environmental conditions.

What is one thing that can help people live long, healthy lives?

Number one is a healthy diet. When you eat healthier, your mood, spirituality even your compassion for yourself and others changes. It is magical how fast the human body responds!

The 3 most common health conditions are: 1. Constipation 2. Over acidity and 3. Blood sugar imbalance

I would say this leads to people being irritable, anger and having aches and pains.

Just look at people walking down the street.

How many are smiling? How many looked so stressed and unhappy?

Well after a short period of time on a healthier diet, the blood sugar is more balanced and the bowels move properly. Well hello smiles!

There is more of course that I will share in the upcoming teleconference.

Give us 5 quick tips about life extension

1. Avoid overeating.

2. Eat at least 80% fresh raw ripe plant foods

3. Remain positive about life! Never let people or governments or any challenges in life beat you. There is one word that is a major common factor in the longest-lived healthiest people regarding this important element in living long and healthy. We will share this in the Life Extension teleconference.

“Its not how far you fall, its how high you bounce!”

4. Get plenty of rest. Our bodies can handle stress it just cannot handle infinite amounts of chronic dis-stress!

5. Get 20 minutes minimum daily of fresh air and sunshine

What's another thing we can do right now to look younger?

Besides diet, I also would like to mention one other very important point.

Find your dharma (life purpose) and fast!

When you have purpose in your life to share your gift, then you have a goal of a lifelong purpose.

I think most people are stressed some much living a life they are not truly happy living. Unhappy jobs. Excess stress. Little exercise. Getting caught up in society instead of following their heart.

In certain long-lived cultures the eldest are greatly respected. They are looked upon for guidance and direction. This could be one major reason why they live so much longer. They are felt and truly needed and respected.

One of the Ten Commandments says “Thou shall honor thy father and thy mother.”

My interpretation of life is growth. When we stop growing, we stop living.

Always strive to learn and grow and share/give back.

Deborah Carraro is an avid nutrition, health & fitness enthusiast with a passion for sharing knowledge and experiences. As VP Operations for a successful online Natural Health business she has worked with the best nutritionists, fitness professionals and health experts.

You can find her online at http://www.MondayNiteRaw.com

Thursday, February 08, 2007

How to make weight loss diet a success

This is the reprint of brad's online Fast weight loss journal where he gives valuable tips about weight loss diets and exercise programs

In case you have decided that you are going on a weight loss diet, you have to make efforts for the success of your weight loss diet. It is also advised to consult a doctor before going on a diet. Here I am going to give some tips as a way to make your diet a success.

You need to make a diet plan for you. Write down food that is good for you, the food that you enjoy most and also their calories.

Avoid fat and drinks as much as you can. Avoid alcohol, junk food and carbonated beverages. Read food labels before using and avoid foods that are full of fat content. Do not eat sweets, honey and restaurant food.

Avoid frying your food – instead bake, broil or roast your food. Don’t forget to remove fat from your meat before baking, broiling or roasting it.

Eat small portions of food five to six times a day and do not eat anything just going to bed. Because whatever you eat just before sleeping is going to convert into fat as we remain inactive during our sleep.

  • Again drink lots of water everyday.

  • Chew your food slowly.

  • Go for exercise regularly

  • Never starve your body

So these are the tips for your successful weight loss diet. Remember it takes time for the results to come. You will start getting some signs of fat loss after few weeks. So keep on stuck with your weight loss diet and keep monitoring your weight loss progress.

Friday, February 02, 2007

America's Top Five Anti-Wrinkle Creams

By Natalie Aranda

America’s Top Five Anti-Wrinkle creams are as different in components and prices as night is different from day. Finding the best anti-wrinkle cream for your skin and your budget is high on the list of needs of many of America’s more "mature" women and men.

The best anti-wrinkle cream on the market is called Athena 7 Minute Lift. In Clinical trials, it reduced visible signs of wrinkles by 83.72%. This was based on full face evaluation performed by the AMA Laboratories. One test showed as high as a 90% reduction. The test was based on a seven minute time frame from the time of application. It has a moderate price and offers a 100% money back guarantee that is good for sixty days. This makes it possible for consumers to give the product a thorough test that will show if the test results can b matched.

The next most popular anti-wrinkle cream is Freeze 24/7. Its clinical studies show between a 50% to 90% reduction of visible fine lines and wrinkles. The evaluations were done within ten minutes of application. Reviews of this product are mixed, however, with many people reported failure to match lab results. The results are mixed, however, and many people report remarkable success. Since a money back guarantee is not include, a trial size might be a good idea for this product.

Our third place anti-wrinkle cream is called AlphaDerma CE. Clinical trial results are not available, but it has quite a few positive reviews from satisfied users. It does have a high price tag and a sixty day money back guarantee. This suggests a good opportunity to perform the most important test for yourself.

Finding the best anti-wrinkle cream gets a bit harder after the top three. Deception Wrinkle Cream comes in fourth on the list mainly because it outsells most of it competitors. Their advertising does not feature before and after shots, and the details of their guarantee are a little hazy. Hydroderm Wrinkle Cream also lacks before and after shots and signs it’s customers up for automatic shipments as well as automatic withdrawals for payment every fifty days, until the product is cancelled or product is shipped back to the vendor.

As with any top five list, this one is subjective and based on market share as well as performance. The product that is going to make your own personal top one list is the product that provides you with the results that you are seeking.

Natalie Aranda writes about health and beauty. America’s Top Five Anti-Wrinkle creams are as different in components and prices as night is different from day. Finding the best anti-wrinkle cream for your skin and your budget is high on the list of needs of many of America’s more "mature" women and men. The best anti-wrinkle cream on the market is called Athena 7 Minute Lift. In Clinical trials, it reduced visible signs of wrinkles by 83.72%. This was based on full face evaluation performed by the AMA Laboratories.